Monthly Archives: October, 2010

Journaling for Joy and Finding My True Voice In A Poem

Hello to all of you sensitive souls.Ā  I hope you are enjoying this beautiful week of Indian Summer we are having. The news says that most of the U.S. is experiencing gorgeous mild temperatures and colorful changing leaves right now.Ā  It is definitely my favorite time of the year and it feels like such a gift from above now that I can relax and take it in and be in the moment and fully appreciate it.Ā  As many of you who follow my blog already know, it wasn’t always this way for me.Ā  I used to be numb to my feelings, keeping too busy to feel, compelled to be a people-pleaser and a perfectionist, and full of self-doubt and anxiety.

There are many facets to my journey to finding my voice as a person, many of which I describe on my blog so that I might inspire other highlyĀ sensitive people (HSPs) to believe in their dreams.Ā  Writing out my feelings in a journal has been one of these many facets that contributed to my awakening to my true spirit which was hiding inside.Ā I have been writing poetry in a journal since the age of 14, but it wasn’t until about 2002 that I set out to to try to do Julia Cameron’s morning pages (3 pages of free writing every day) which turned out toĀ be extremely therapeutic “inner grief work” that took placeĀ over a period of 5 years.Ā  It was during this period that I wrote about the feeling that I was “growing a backbone” and this felt very miraculous indeed.Ā  I knew I was finding my voice finally and it had been hidden away in fear for so long.Ā  I was writing songs and poetry and it never really occurred to me to seriously share them with others until one day when an extra special one poured out of me.Ā  When I wrote this poem, it dawned on me that I had been transformed and now, finally, I could reach outĀ and help others–something I had always wanted to do but I always felt I had to figure myself out first.Ā  I had a new found sense of self and there was no going back.Ā  I am very happy to be sharingĀ it with you today.

After I wrote this poem, IĀ got the idea to write a book sharing many of my poems and my growth along the way to finding my voice and that this poem would be the final one in the book–a finale of sorts.Ā  However, since then I have written even more special poems and songs so I have decided to go ahead and share a shortened version of it here in my blog.Ā (I haven’t written my book yet but I plan to start it in the near future.)Ā  This very special poem is entitled, “Joy, Our Birthright, Waiting There”.Ā  I want to explain that I wrote this with my children in mind– when I say “and I was never there for you the way I thought I was, it’s true”.Ā Ā What this means is when I went through growth andĀ gradually hadĀ more access to my true self, then I couldn’t help but feel regret about the past when I had been doing my best but I was not able to be my strong confidentĀ true self yet.Ā  When I expressed this regret to my children expecting themĀ to agree and feel reliefĀ and tell me it had been hard for them, they both instead said they always felt I was always emotionally available to them and it meant a lot to them that I always apologized to them whenever I made emotional mistakes and they felt fully validated at each step along the way in their upbringing.Ā For this I feel extremely grateful because nothing hasĀ ever been more important to me than my children feeling good about themselves and their unique gifts and breaking the cycle of dysfunction that my husband and I experienced as children.Ā  Still…I can’t help but wish I knew then what I know now….

So here it is:

Joy, Our Birthright, Waiting There

By Roxanne Smith

Feb 21, 2007

Telling someone helped me heal

All the pain inside was real

No wonder I had been so tired

My whole heart had been so mired

So much grief to lead the way

Let it out, so much to say

I was never there for you

The way I thought I was, itā€™s true

Because I was empty ā€“ none to give

Alive but I just now learned to live

Soulful is the proper word

I have ā€œmeā€ ā€“ it sounds absurd

Let your painful feelings out

You canā€™t be whole and live without

Expression of unfairness do

Your soul will help you live anew

And learn compassion for your self

Donā€™t put feelings on a shelf

Any doubt is harmful thought

The truth is–look how far you got!

Negativity and blocks

To true self and joyful shocks

Being blamed can stunt our growth

Fear of feelings: anger, both

Also fearing joy and bliss

Pain comes up and we all miss

The connection to our rightful heir

Joy, our birthright, waiting there!

Love is what we all deserve

Joy it feels when then observed

Share it then and it comes back

Filling up the past we lacked

Helping others heal their wounds

Nothing like it ā€“ glowing moons

Stars are twinkling, warming sun

Nature loves us one by one

Let the love come down on you

It is there donā€™t block the view

Doubts of self will keep it blocked

You must trust your soulā€™l be rocked!

With this truth Iā€™m trying to tell

Creative soul fear-blocked is hell

Heaven is a word away

Love is here please let it stay

You deserve its welcome home

Inside you it does belong

Love yourself Iā€™m trying to say

God is trying ā€“ just light the way

Ask him to comfort your soul

Believe!Ā  And he will rock and roll!

Iā€™m not kidding this I know

I let out grief and felt a glow

A light inside I did believe

Iā€™m OK. I feel. I grieve.

Compulsions all have fear beneath

God has no “shoulds” or “work hard” teeth

Be yourself and kindness do

Serve to help others heal anew

Help them see that love transcends

We can all relax and mend

ā€œRelax and enjoy your life

and everything will be alright!ā€

This phrase came in a dream so real

I hope this poem will help you heal

*Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *Ā  *

With Love,
