Category Archives: Love from Above

New Channeled Angel Message–August 2019 Update Part 2 For Empaths and Sensitive Souls

(These messages are to be shared for all who resonate and are open to receiving spiritual guidance.  This includes Empaths, Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Lightworkers, Spiritually Awakening Souls, Earth Angels, and to all Seekers and Open-hearted souls.

This message will be added my Channeled Angel Messages Page on my blog which has posts of angel messages that I am now posting there weekly or bi-weekly.  There you will find all the other messages from 6 Archangel Guides (most of the time it is 6 but it changes) that I have posted since November, 2018.)

Hello Everyone! I have another channeled angel message for you! This time Archangel Ariel joined my usual 6 Archangel Guides for this message.  

Archangel Ariel is the Archangel of the Natural World and is a healing angel using nature to help us Rejuvenate! She has a special connection to nature, animals, and elementals and helps us connect with these for our own comfort and healing.  She is also a powerful aid in manifesting abundance in our lives.  She’s the “Lioness of God” helping us with confidence to get out of our comfort zone and “go for it!”  She has a feminine light pink energy of divine love that she shines strongly to comfort us and remind us of the strength in our divine nature.

Before I channeled this message I checked in with each of the Archangels to confirm their presence.  I detected another Archangel and when I asked who it was I was told the name Ariel. Then I felt the amazing essence of this new angelic guide who wants to contribute to these messages to all of you. I feel so honored to be the one who gets to be the messenger of this important angelic information from these 7 Archangels–it all comes through as a singular group consciousness message. Here is the latest message!:

Channelled Angel Message on Aug. 23, 2019

“Dear Ones, We are so happy to be giving you this message today.  We see you are weary from the energies of this past week. At the same time you accomplished much in the way of your own healing and knowing what you must do next on your journey to fulfilling your life’s purpose.  It hasn’t been an easy week but you are somehow also grateful for where you are now from all that you have learned.  You are aware that you need some rest and then you will have a burst of energy to get things done that you are excited about. 

You are listening to your inner guidance and have new clarity of direction in some areas and other areas are still cloudy.  Trust that you will be guided to the other paths when the time is right.  You are tweeking your plans somewhat to fit your personalities to fit the fine line between your comfort zone and taking some risks that feel right to you.  You have learned from past experience to not go too far out on a limb BUT you are more comfortable with being your true spiritual selves in ways you haven’t been comfortable before. 

You know you are here on a mission to help the planet be a better place and you are ready to shine your light brighter than ever before.  We are proud of you as we see you have learned to pace yourselves and have learned much about self-care, grounding and taking baths or getting in nature when you feel drained.  We are proud of your new found clarity about when you are feeling the feelings of others and how to release these energies and recharge in your own pure love energies.  Wow! This is such a valuable tool for your life—you can recharge from any trigger or stressful situation knowing you can always connect to pure love which you are seeing is your natural state of being. Yay! Congratulations!

Another thing we see happening for you is that you are embracing whatever life throws up to challenge you rather than dread being triggered again by loved ones.  Recent events have helped you to see that you are the stronger one emotionally and by staying calm and shining love on a person who is in a negative state you understand now that you are shortening this conflict in big ways and getting to the lesson or feelings that are to be released very quickly. 

You are excited about so many things, you are able to prioritize the things that tax your time and even cut out doing things you used to do so you can be more productive during your day.  You have a new determination to achieve your goals because you know you are good at these things and you see the service that you bring to others with your gifts.  Yes, it is an exciting time right now.  We want to encourage you to keep on seeing yourself in a positive light even when you are tired and need a rest. Others may not understand this need for rest so you can rest without others knowing if this makes it easier—you are stopping yourselves from complaining and wanting others to validate your tiredness—you see that they are not going to understand because they are not where you are on your soul’s journey. 

The emotional healing that you have done has caused you to be very aware of your feelings, body, and mind whereas others in your life are still needing to avoid and numb out their feelings with different vices that no longer interest you.  A big challenge for you is to let them learn for themselves—your results with your new ways of being are a role model for them and you do not need to say a word. Your results will be clear to you and to them in an unspoken and yet deeply satisfying way for you—You KNOW you are teaching them there is a better way to attract abundance that is not forced but comes from following a flow of your heart’s desire and inner guidance that only comes from getting out of the the left brain’s linear thought flow and following the heart and right brain feeling-side or meditative “intuitive” side. 

Writing in a journal connects you to your right brain and inner guidance and access to pure love.  We know we keep talking about this but we feel it is important for those who are very resistant to writing about their feelings or deepest most private self.  Excavating your true feelings is like being an archeologist digging for answers to “why”—This an idea talked about in a book by author Gary Zukav.  It is in finding the origins in your childhoods or past lives that you can heal the foundational patterns that were formed that keep you from moving forward towards your dreams, desires, and true purpose for being here on the planet. 

Once you have these tools to be utilized anytime confusing feelings knock you off of your center, you can regain your balance by writing and asking us angels, or your higher self, or God or the Universe (whichever term resonates) what is really going on?  Often you may be believing your negative thoughts rather than seeing those thoughts from a higher perspective. Ask in your writing “Where did they come from?—When did they originate?” An aha moment or insight may come to you about an incident from childhood. If this happens then shine self-compassion to the tiny child who did the best he or she could from what he or she knew at the time.

Survival patterns got engrained back then and when you shine light on these scars they can finally be healed.  Grieving the loss of the freedom to be your true self as a child takes time and so much self-compassion and self LOVE. You deserved love and now you can give it to yourself.  And us angels are here to help with this process of emotional healing so that you can shine your light as bright as possible each step of the way to wholeness and becoming your higher self in your ascension journey. 

Be very kind to yourself every day and especially on days when dread or shame or anxiety pops up from out of the blue.  Often this happens when you’ve recently had a success or reached a new level of receiving love in your life—this concept was talked about by John Gray in several of his books—he says: “Pain comes up to heal when things are going well”.  He is right. The old is clearing out to make room for even more love but it confuses you when it arises because you believe it to be true when it is just negativity on the way out of your body.  Imagine it leaving you as an energy no longer needed for you to survive. 

The quickest way is to just slow down with big deep breaths and say “I breathe in love” and “I breathe out love” with each breath.  Imagine yourself surrounded by only loving energy in a big protective bubble around you. Have fun in your bubble of freedom and love.  Imagine yourself swimming or flying around in your bubble however your inner child desires and people who may disapprove of your freedom can only watch you swim freely as if watching a fish in a gold fish bowl.  You are safe and free to swim in your own bubble of love any time you want.  Haha!

We hope you have fun and laugh with visualizations like this.  You deserve to have fun in life and not be so serious all the time.  Not being able to have fun in life certainly can stem from a childhood of not feeling safe enough to relax and even be in your own bodies due to emotional trauma.  This can be from past lives too or when you were young adults and not always childhood.  Often though, sensitive souls and empaths have chosen traumatic childhoods to replicate trauma from past lives that were never healed yet—this present life has much opportunity for you to finally heal these deep wounds and your higher self knows you are strong enough if you will only LISTEN.

Listen to the promptings of your compassionate heart to be kind to yourself and stop the harsh self-talk that keeps you believing the untruths that were formed out of survival.  Give yourself the unconditional love that you so freely are able to give to others—especially when you are having an unproductive day—be kinder instead of making yourself “tough it out and ignore your pain”. Pain is a teacher to awaken you to your SELF. Dear ones, you are doing such a good job on this complex journey—being a human is so complex! 

You don’t have to figure it all out quickly. We like the quote: “You don’t have to change yourself you only need to love yourself”.  It takes time to heal all the layers and we want you to know you are doing a great job!  We love you and we understand you because we are you—we are your brothers and sisters from the archangel realm and we honor your bravery to volunteer for this mission to shine your love and light on planet earth. Take care of your precious energy so you may find your niche and thrive in abundance. 

We will be back soon with another message through Roxanne who is our pure channel of love, comfort, and support for all empaths, sensitive souls, and all divine souls who resonate with these messages. Our last word to you is to take a break from all your work and emotional healing and have some fun!  You deserve to laugh and be silly and dance, sing, relax, and at least do something that makes you smile whether it’s a movie, or dinner out, or finding some live music somewhere to enjoy being in your human body. Be creative with whatever sparks fun for your inner child.

We love you and we are proud of you and we are having an angel dance party right now cheering you on! Until next time, love and light and FUN, from Archangel (AA) Muriel (AA of Empaths), AA Chamuel (AA of Comfort), AA Jophiel (AA of Creativity and Beauty), AA Sandalphon (AA of Grounding and Music, AA Uriel (AA of Wisdom), AA Azriel (AA of Grieving Loss and Transitions), and for the first time Archangel Ariel joined in and is encouraging you to get out of the house and take a walk or bike ride in nature to rejuvenate your soul.  It’s fun too, she says!”

I hope you enjoyed this message!

Peace and Love,

Roxanne ✌️😇💖✨

Comfort For Those Who Are Hurting

You who are hurting. I send you comfort and love from above.  Those who reject you are hurting.  Hurt people hurt people. There is nothing wrong with you because you are pure love. You have no negative attachments and you are a powerful source of love and light.  This light beams from you constantly.  Others with lower energies often explode in your presence.  They unconsciously experience a surge of negativity because their pain comes up to the surface to be healed.  Those that cannot comfort their pain and heal it often lash out at innocent people and the most vulnerable.  You are right about everything.  You would make a great friend to many but you dive deeper than most feel comfortable.  You will find your tribe.  They are healing in the isolated protection of their homes right now.  It is the beginning of the end.  Shower yourself with beams of love and light from above anytime you feel alone.  Trust yourself that you are a higher vibration.  You are familiar with the higher realms from past lifetimes.  You are here to comfort others in emotional pain.  You are here to be a beacon light for those lost in fear and fight or flight.  Remember who you are?  You are pure love.  You get defensive when attacked but you are learning to soften this defense.  Walk away until you can send love to attackers because they need it most.  Be grateful when you are left alone because this is when you see your purpose most clearly.  You also hear your inner guidance during meditation and prayer.  Continue writing from your highest self. 

Sharing this for YOU!

With Love and Light,

Roxanne 😇🙏💖✨ 

“Pain From the Past” Arising for Highly Sensitive Souls

Pain from the past image


Lyrics by Roxanne Smith


Feelings coming up from I don’t know where

I don’t want to feel it but avoid it I don’t dare



‘Cause it’s pain from the past you see

Comin’ up to say hello to me

Just keep it a movin’ until I’m free

Let it move on through and away from me


They say it gets easier as the old layers heal

I can tell I am stronger and I’m more grounded and real

But sometimes it’s thick and pulls me back down

To how I felt as a child when love was not around



It’s just pain from the past you see

Comin’ up to say hello to me

Just keep it a movin’ until I’m free

Let it move on through and away from me


What happened back then can’t be made right

But I can love that little child in me with all my might

I can protect her and soothe her pain

I deserved love back then and now I’m gonna make it rain



Make it rain love love love

Coming down on me

Make it rain love love love

Until I’m free

Wash away all of the doubt

And the fear and shame

Until I’m a bright shining light again

with no more pain


Repeat 1st verse:

Feelings comin up from I don’t know where

I don’t want to feel it but avoid it I don’t dare



‘Cause it’s pain from the past you see

Comin’ up to say hello to me

Just keep it on movin’until I’m free

Let it move on through and away from me.

Original Song © 2014 Roxanne Smith

Hello everyone! Lots of good things have been happening with my music performances and my coaching in the last couple of months so I’ve been very busy with that. It’s very exciting and somewhat surreal as I keep reaching outside of my comfort zone.  HOWEVER, just recently I’ve been surprised by the intensity of feelings coming up that I haven’t felt for a long time or maybe EVER.  I know I’m so much stronger because I am observing this happening rather letting it get me down. However, I’ve been surprised at the intensity of old feelings, anxiety, lack of motivation, and emotional pain. I reassure myself that it’s old stuff on the way out but I have the say Man I’m very surprised at the intensity and heaviness of the feelings that been coming and going in the last few days!  I look up and listen to youtube channellings on the spiritual guidance about solar flares and energy upgrades and ascension symptoms and things of this nature at times like these when I feel out of sorts. I usually get comfort and confirmation that something big is going on with the planets energy and this time is no exception. One of my favorites for highly sensitive souls and empaths, if you are interested, is Lee Harris Energy. Check his video out at the bottom of this post if you are interested.

So if you are feeling out of sorts, lost your confidence, extra tired and unmotivated, and experiencing bouts of emotional pain, and/or loneliness please know you are not alone and this too shall pass.  Highly sensitive souls are feeling it because it’s a gift to be so clairsentient and empathic–it’s not because it’s a curse or a problem.  Please allow these times of emotional healing and physical healing to reassure you that you belong to a unique and special tribe of souls here on earth with an innate higher vibration. You might possibly be a lightworker and you might like to google this word and see if you resonate with the meaning of it–it may help you feel supported if you are feeling drawn to learning about spiritual awakening.

If you identify as an empath, introvert, or HSP then you might possibly still be a sponge and absorbing the unfelt feelings of the collective consciousness–this could be happening to you if you are still healing childhood wounds.  Learning about grounding techniques and positive affirmations can help a lot. Take solace in knowing you are not alone and you are part of a tribe of highly sensitive people all going through similar emotional healing in similar ways.  Please comment if you are needing support from others in this community right now or if you relate to what I am saying. Or let us know if you are doing great and zooming right through because of healing that is behind you.  Everyone is different and it’s fascinating to see how we are all healing in different ways and yet similar in other ways. We can learn so much from each other.

One common similarity among us it seems is that pain seems to come up to heal after a success and achievement is reached, that when “wham” old beliefs and insecurities come up to the surface, sometimes the next morning, after you’ve broken through a personal glass ceiling in your life’s journey.  Please don’t let your old inner critic/ego beliefs that can get loud after a success convince you that you are not cut out for this new level of success. Just try to observe it happening and write about it in a journal for your eyes only and see how unfair that voice is being to you. That is not the voice of your true self. Self-compassion is the voice of the true self and that is the voice that is best to listen to–your higher self.  It’s like developing a muscle when you are learning to tap into this inner guidance–you will get stronger and stronger as you practice recognizing when your inner critic is beating you up.  It’s often just a lower vibration energy that is on the way out as your soul is reaching for higher heights–back up where you belong.  😃 Because you were born with a higher vibration–highly sensitive for a good reason and that reason is to elevate the planet with your compassion and innate goodness and positivity.

With love and light, comfort, caring, and compassion,

Roxanne 😇🙏🎶💖✨

P.S. Please leave a comment because your comment will help other highly sensitive souls who have not yet found their voice or inner strength to comment yet.  Helping others by writing about your story can lift you up during hard times as well!

Here’s the video I mentioned above:



To All Highly Sensitive Souls–You Are Loved

You Are Loved

Lyrics by Roxanne Smith

I once was lost but then I opened up my heart

It took time to see my journey’s sad start

Strength in me came with feelings inside

Courageous purging with joy on the other side


Somehow I know that love is all there is

Inside every dark and painful fear is bliss

This I know because I left no stone unturned

I face the pain when the bottom was learned


It lays waiting until you let it go

Forgiving those who don’t connect with their soul

The soul has answers and comfort and love

Go within to hear angels from above



They surround each and every breathing heart

You are loved every day right from the start.

You are loved, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved

You are loved, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved


Repeat from the beginning


Add end (slowing)

You are loved, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved

Original Song © 2017 Roxanne Smith


Hello Everyone! I am sharing this song to the public for the first time here on this blog. It’s such a personal song I have not performed it yet, waiting for the perfect audience, the right moment. You all, however are the perfect audience for lyrics like these.  Here on this blog I feel comfortable letting it all hang out and feel proud of the healing journey I am on with all it’s ups and downs but always “with joy on the other side”.

I just saw that it has been since April 5 that I have put out a blog post and I apologize for that! Time has been flying by since I decided to start my life coaching business back up. I just completed designing my brand new life coaching website.  I’m happy to report that this blog has gotten over 45 new followers in just the last 2 months even though my recent posts were short and not really up to my standards yet.  So I am getting the message that my blog posts here are important and to make them a priority in my life!

I am very excited about this.  I love talking to you all!  I love giving hope to all of you like-minded souls out there who resonate with my message of hope and healing to become your highest selves! We strive to be our healthiest, kindest, most confident, and helpful to the planet while being complex and highly sensitive souls who often feel we don’t fit in with others. We are overcoming deep-seated negative feelings and beliefs from the past that keep popping up out of the blue just when things are going well.  Phew!  Why are we so hard on ourselves when we already know that extreme self-care makes so much difference in our lives?

Time to pull back again. Get quiet. Go inward. Write out ALL your feelings with self-compassion as if you are writing to your most trusted friend in the world who really GETS you! Be your own container when you can’t find a safe person to vent to.  We all need to vent all the frustration we are feeling about EVERYTHING! I had a surprising amount of anger to release in April. It was all about codependency issues that I thought I had healed long ago.  Surprise!–there was more! Releasing it all (which was not easy) moved me to a new place of strength and independence at the core of me that I didn’t know existed.  And the month of May… well it’s starting out with a virus from some recent airplane travel that has got me layed up and resting to clear it all out.  So all my exciting plans for coaching and more performing are on hold while I rest and clear out this virus and with it lots of emotions too. My intuition tells me I’ve moved to a new level of vibrational success so I need to clear out more …whatever! 😳 I’m not as frustrated as I am fascinated and trusting that whatever happens it will be for a good reason.

Sometimes things are so hard and then we get through it and see the silver lining that was there all along. And that is that We Are Loved.  We are loved from above. We are here for a good reason.  We are highly sensitive souls who are here on the planet at this time because the planet needs our gifts, our light, our true essence. We can relax and just BE and know we are loved.

Just being here is enough.  You don’t have to do anything–just heal and learn to love ourselves.  If we really GET this we can recharge and become strong and then we have more energy to give more light and love to others. But we can’t do it if we don’t love ourselves first. Let the love in that is beaming down for you at all times. Believe it.

And if you can’t believe it at least be OPEN to the possibility. Let down your guard and allow the possibility that your guardian angel/spirit guide/God/ Universe/Highest Self  just might be sending you messages of love and comfort through your intuition.  They just might be sending you guidance on your next steps for the highest good of your soul.  Follow your heart to hear the inner guidance. Hear it? It is saying, You Are Loved! Exactly as you are! You don’t have to change yourself, you only need to love yourself. Let that sink in. Marinate in that truth for a while.  I’m sending all of you so much comfort, caring, and encouragement to see your unique gifts as highly sensitive souls. I’ll be writing more uplifting blog posts soon so stay tuned.

With love and light 💖 ✨,

Roxanne 😇 🎶

NOW Is A Good Time… For Emotional Healing

Hi everyone!  Now that it’s Spring, the warmth is finally here in the midwestern part of the USA!  Yay!!  I feel happier when the temperatures are warmer and I can get outside and enjoy nature and recharge.  As a HSP healing from childhood wounds, I am still figuring out what makes me happiest and what I “like” most in life–right now I like thinking about some day moving to a warmer climate during the winter months!  😉

As HSP children, your “job” may have been to often to take care of your own parents’ feelings so you didn’t dare even ask yourself “What do I want?, How do I feel?, and What are my dreams and desires?  Perhaps it can be  “fun” now to “create” a life for yourself that is purely satisfying to “you”.  This is not being selfish for HSPs who have spent their lives putting others’ feelings and happiness first.  This is realizing your feelings and desires are meant to be your “compass” for finding direction and satisfaction in your life!

Even after all of your recovery and replacing a negative inner critic with a very consistent feeling of love and protection for yourself and you inner child, do you still sometimes wake up with a feeling of shame that surprises you?  It may usually happen after a day when you really asserted your voice and followed your heart (I have written about this before). Try to see that as evidence of how your shining light as a child may have been a threat to a narcissistic or bullying  caretakers and they had to bring you “down”.  “Get off of your high horse!”, “Who do you think you are!?”, “How dare you be happy when I am not happy!?”,  and “Straighten up and fly right!”–Were these phrases (spoken or implied silently with mean looks (angry eyes)) ones that come to mind that were a daily occurrence to shame and control you as a child?

Now that you may be working on changing the core beliefs about yourself, it is also helpful to reframe all those events with how you would have voiced your opposition if you had felt safe and knew you were loved and supported by the Universe.  Talking back to the inner critic is acknowledging it is there and then saying what you need to say to yourself to be an emotionally healthy soul–say, “I like being on my high horse!–it is good to feel proud of myself!”, “I think I am an amazing and gifted person!”, “Everyone is free to pursue their own happiness–it’s in the Constitution!”, and “Your right way and my right way are 2 different things!”  If you had felt safe and strong as a child and had been able to say these things in your childhood without being shamed and punished, then your true self would have survived and you would not have had to push your feelings underground and develop a false self that was fearful and obedient.  You can say it NOW and reclaim your strength that it didn’t feel safe for you to have. It is very healing to your wounded soul when you express the truth about yourself, either silently, out loud, or in a journal–express your true voice!

Just realizing you have an inner critic that stops you from enjoying your life and feeling good about yourself is the first step–writing out all the mixed messages swimming around your brain and getting them on paper in a journal will help you to realize that your inner critic has taken over.  I no longer have to journal to realize when I am listening to my inner critic–I recognize the negative feeling right away, acknowledge it, and say to myself  “that is ridiculous and that is not true about me!”

The real truth is I am a shining light of God’s love and I am perfect just the way I am!  You are perfect just the way you are too! There is nothing wrong with you!  You just have self-doubt– “doubt” just means questioning the truth–the truth is there but it takes courage to Believe It!  Believe it because it is true–you are perfect exactly as you are NOW in this moment!  And you deserve the LOVE, COMFORT, COMPASSION, and ENCOURAGEMENT that you never got during childhood.  You can learn to give it to yourself!

For myself, any shame feeling I get in the morning goes away immediately as I shoo it away and replace it with love for myself and with my new core beliefs: “This shame is not mine and not true and I have nothing to be ashamed of!”  Poof!  Gone! I also say, “Wow, I must have done something amazing and authentically me yesterday, I am on the right path!”  Then I can’t wait to get up and enjoy my day, my way!  I love my life and I am grateful that I am free to enjoy it now.

I feel my true purpose is to help others who are struggling to love themselves because of these very complex, negative messages that were engrained in their brains since early childhood.  It is not easy but growing new loving neural pathways in your brain is possible and I am living proof.  I hope that by my example I can help those of you struggling, suffering, and occasionally falling into pits of despair to climb out and break free from the negative energy “soup” that can engulf the soul of an emotionally needy HSP.  It takes time so please be patient with yourself if you fall backwards sometimes.

The key is to keep on feeling the feelings and comforting yourself through them–it is a grieving process.  You will come out the other side–to truth, light, and a connection to the Universe that no one can ever take away from you–it is innate in you and as a HSP you are a loved and highly evolved soul with compassion and light for others as your greatest gift.  You are going to be okay if you allow yourself to believe these things NOW–start today.  I am here, I understand–I have been lost, and now I am found.  NOW is the time to begin to love yourself without shame. You can do it!  This blog post was written for YOU!

After a weekend visit with our grown son who lives in Chicago, I felt energized, so energized that I wrote a new poem–even though I am a pretty extreme introvert and we had a very extraversion-filled weekend.  I was energized because of the quality of the relationship we have with our son and we all so enjoyed each others company and enjoyed being positive, building each other up, expressing our love and appreciation for each other, and having fun together.  So when we returned I was standing in my kitchen and had to grab paper and a pen because I felt this poem just had to be expressed.  I just let it flow out of me and when I was done I realized I was still “standing up” in my kitchen! (leaning against the counter 🙂 )  I am so glad I listened to that still small voice in my head that said to write this down.  Here is the poem that flowed out of me that cold, winter, sunday evening after our trip:

NOW Is A Good Time

By Roxanne Smith

Feb. 18, 2013

NOW’s a good time to nurture yourself and your feelings

To release the past and all painful dealings.

The pain’s coming up NOW so you’ll see the truth

of how you weren’t seen and loved in your youth.

The child inside, he or she yearns to be free.

The pain is just blocking your feelings of glee.

Joy and great gladness are all waiting there.

Waiting until you feel the truth and despair.

What happened to you was awful and sick

The pain you repressed was unbearable and thick.

You were too small and dependent back then

but now you are safe so the wounds can open

and your soul wants to heal these wounds from within.

You cannot move higher until you tell the truth of your kin.

How they poked you and pulled you down each time you succeeded

’til you gave up and blamed yourself… but they weren’t what you needed.

You were a bright star with a higher energy.

They were jealous and threatened by your desire to be free.

So you hid your true self until a much safer time–

It’s safe NOW so your soul is crying out as a sign

to be kind to your inner child who is coming out—please allow!

Don’t beat yourself up for feeling bad NOW.

Because you’re rising up from patterns ingrained in your head.

New ways of being are in your soul, time to shed

all the old pain, it must be felt to be released.

It is gone forever once you see the danger has ceased.

The danger was real then, don’t ever forget it

but now you choose new friends who are not like your inner critic.

You are learning your true self is a compassionate soul

who is kind to others and that is your role.

So being kind to your self is the very first step.

All day everyday you must give yourself pep!

Don’t listen to your inner critic—it is wrong and so mean

like those who abused you and weren’t nice as they seem.

You deserved better and NOW you must give it to your soul.

The more you are kind, the more you’ll feel Whole!

Each layer of pain will dissolve as you express

all of your confusion and unhappiness.

How could this be… you thought: “I was bad and wrong”

but really blaming “YOU” was unfair all along.

You were a bright light never harming a flea–

so easy to control because you trusted completely.

I hope you can see that you can reframe your past.

Replace those mean moments with self-love that will last.

Accepting Love from Above will change your beliefs about your core.

Who you are YOU must love so your dreams can then soar!

You are gifted and brilliant, a gift to us all.

You are treasured by those others who also feel this call.

The call’s mixed with pain and feeling bad about your childhood.

When you change your beliefs you will see your soul’s all Good!

Then you can reconnect with your self and find creativity and fun.

You’ll learn to relax and recharge from the sun.

Learn to listen to your body instead of working too hard.

You’ll get lots more done when you “play” in your yard.

Allowing yourself to enjoy being you

will slow you down and allow the pain to come through.

After a good cry, each time you’ll feel better–

lighter and lighter ‘til you’re light as a feather.

And allowing yourself to have space that is yours—

new boundaries to protect yourself will help open doors.

You must learn to feel grounded and connected to the earth.

This will help you feel solid and put yourself first.

You deserve to be happy and that starts with self-care.

After you are grounded, then you will become aware

that lifting up others is your gift and your purpose

and there’s a billion others out there who are not just kind on the surface.

They are deep and compassionate—you are not alone.

We are healing together as we feel grace and atone.

We did our best with all that we have known.

NOW we know it’s okay to be angry, then let it go.

Don’t hold onto blame, but blame needs to be spoken.

Release it and move on—don’t yell at the broken.

You are higher than they are (those who brought you down).

You don’t need to punish—you can just leave town

to start a new life and create all that your dreams can arrange.

Move forward… not fixing those who don’t want to change.

Trust these new feelings that spark in your heart.

Healing is painful but that’s only part.

This feeling’s inside that you’re finally alive!

Keep going with following your passions inside.

Don’t compare yourself to others—you have a new gig!

Let desires be your guide and your success will be BIG.

If you do this and trust your intuition inside

your internal guidance will help you to thrive.

Sometimes you’ll get stuck so you’ll need to be kind

to yourself when you inner critic starts messing with you mind.

Drop down to your heart instead of your head.

If you need to cry about something that was said,

grieve for this loss, the wrong path where you were led.

It hurt you so much, childhood pain must be shed

so we can see, that NOW we’re safe and free

And we would have parented differently!

And that’s good you are different and unique and that’s great!

I hope you can see that it’s never too late.

We often must go backward to move forward to be free.

You can heal and find wholeness—take it from me!

I found here a community of souls who relate–

I share how I healed and how sensitivity is great!

By journaling out the pain, I had new eyes to see.

My true voice was found, then my true self was free!

I know it sounds simple but it took a long time.

Try to trust in your feelings, then all will be fine.

As I followed my pain I got signs from above:

“relax and enjoy” and best “You are loved!”

I know of your pain– I know just how you feel.

It happened to me and I learned how to heal

So NOW as you journey from wounded to whole

I hope that these words will comfort your soul.


Please share your feelings in a comment if this post resonates with you.  Your comments also help others who are still struggling to find their voice.  We can help uplift each other higher as a community of compassionate souls.  Thank you for reading.  Have a wonderful Spring–may the warmth of the Universe envelope you and comfort you NOW as you heal and grow to your true potential.

With love, light, and my deepest compassion,
