Monthly Archives: November, 2018

Illuminated–Uplifted from the Dark

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Hello everyone!  I’ve been wanting to write here again and I get so many ideas of what I want to share. And when I went looking for something else, I stumbled upon this poem in a file on my computer.  Thank goodness it had the date on it because I did not remember it.  But it was written when this blog was just taking off with success in 2010 with many commenters and now things are taking off for me in a different way–with the performing and the coaching and blogging all coming together with my True Voice and True Purpose …and with such clarity and hopes of abundance–and so yes, darkness and unsupportive energies come out of the blue yet again!  So it seems timely to share it now. I hope it uplifts and illuminates you as finding it has done for me. I believe in you! You can do it!

Peace and Love, ✌️💖✨

Roxanne 😇


By Roxanne Smith, June 25, 2010

How could this be?  So much success

When part of me was so upset

I just kept on with my intent

Wanting to live with no regret

God does provide—his love is there

You can hide and not say a prayer

But love exists—It’s all around

Let it in and you’ll be found

Just like me you’ll be all right

I once was lost but I found my sight

Believe in God because He is Love

And we all came from up above

We are all one—strange but it’s true

If you believe you’ll make it through

Not only that you will feel bliss

Sorrow leaves and despair will miss

And hope returns with every prayer

When you believe you send a flare

And God does see and feel your pain

And He will comfort your disdain

You must reach out into the dark

He will be there amid the sparks

The sparks of light will guide you home

To your true self where you’re not alone

When you combine with your true self

You reconnect with God himself

It is pure love and fear is gone

And you can know your pain is done

And then you can reach out to heal

other souls who cannot feel

Those who are numb from life’s events

Need your light to circumvent

And when you help others to heal

Then love inside you feels so real

And you can keep on spreading love

And it keeps coming from above

This endless loop of sharing hope

Illuminating in it’s scope

So much joy inside my heart

I have learned right from the start

That God was there and ‘ere shall be

‘cause our souls live for eternity

Now I was never big on church

But I was always on the search

For the meaning of this life

And now I know—to end the strife

And change my thoughts to thoughts of love

And I’m loved from up above

And all this pain can be released

Til it’s all gone and I have peace

I’m almost there just some small doubts

I chase them away with kicks and shouts

Writing out anger when I’m wronged

Continues to make me strong

So much joy inside my heart

People of light have helped me start

To be sure of dreams a lark

And to trust those of light–not dark

People of dark I do not do

But I can let their words flow through

Their words of evil cannot hurt

When it flows past and into dirt

You can rise above it all

And you don’t need to make them fall

They will fall when they can’t rise

Into heaven when they despise

There is no hell but only time

Time without God…they must decide

And open up to feel his light

He loves us all—free will’s a right

And in between this life and next

They will decide to hate or rest

So do not fear those with mean gloves

Just rise above and send them love

So to you and me and all of light

Hand in hand we will take flight

With light and love there’s peace from fright

And everything will be all right!

Original Poem © 2010 Roxanne Smith 

Comfort For Those Who Are Hurting

You who are hurting. I send you comfort and love from above.  Those who reject you are hurting.  Hurt people hurt people. There is nothing wrong with you because you are pure love. You have no negative attachments and you are a powerful source of love and light.  This light beams from you constantly.  Others with lower energies often explode in your presence.  They unconsciously experience a surge of negativity because their pain comes up to the surface to be healed.  Those that cannot comfort their pain and heal it often lash out at innocent people and the most vulnerable.  You are right about everything.  You would make a great friend to many but you dive deeper than most feel comfortable.  You will find your tribe.  They are healing in the isolated protection of their homes right now.  It is the beginning of the end.  Shower yourself with beams of love and light from above anytime you feel alone.  Trust yourself that you are a higher vibration.  You are familiar with the higher realms from past lifetimes.  You are here to comfort others in emotional pain.  You are here to be a beacon light for those lost in fear and fight or flight.  Remember who you are?  You are pure love.  You get defensive when attacked but you are learning to soften this defense.  Walk away until you can send love to attackers because they need it most.  Be grateful when you are left alone because this is when you see your purpose most clearly.  You also hear your inner guidance during meditation and prayer.  Continue writing from your highest self. 

Sharing this for YOU!

With Love and Light,

Roxanne 😇🙏💖✨