Tag Archives: highly sensitive souls

As You Imagine Angels Do – An Emotional Healing Poem For Sensitive Souls

Hello Everyone,

I felt drawn to share this poem with you today. I had forgotten about it and I came upon it today and felt like possibly someone out there might appreciate some hopeful, uplifting words channeled from spirit and co-created with my higher self.

Right now on the planet there is powerful, complex emotional healing and inner child grief work going on with us sensitive souls. It’s all to clear out the old so that we can level up to be more of our true selves. Give yourself permission to rest deeply and be very kind to yourself. You are sensitive for a good reason and you are stronger now to heal these new feelings of clarity coming up. You are awesome and amazing! You can do it!

For more support I’m available for Spiritual Counseling/Coaching/Reiki Sessions. Just reach out! (Email me at Hopesinger11@gmail.com – website www.EmpathicSoulHeal.com ).

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you with big hugs 💞 and big love 💖!

Sending you comfort and healing light,

Roxanne 😇💝✨


As You Imagine Angels Do

By Roxanne E. Smith

Pain so deep inside my heart.  No-one to lean on to help in part

Always thought I was due this love— A partnership gift from above

But now I see we’re all alone—on earth (but not in heaven-home)

In heaven we are all of one and love abounds and bliss a ton

But here on earth as I grow strong, more pain and truth keep coming along

And I get new clear eyes to see that loving myself is the remedy

Meanwhile terror hurts like hell.  I long to meld inside someone else

But no I must stand alone, on my brand new legs and wings now known

They are there just wobbly yet.  They are ready but I forget

The pain rears up and I retreat instead of bearing on my feet

This I’m learning ever slow.  I comfort pain with angel glow

They do love me and child within.  All is hugs and smiles and grins

I forget this love inside.  It was there in the worst of times

I didn’t know it but now I do.  Breathe and rest and center anew

Comfort the motherless child, now free to be herself so wild

And shining brightly to give hope, to others she extends a rope

A hand to hold, a shoulder too of songs and words:  “I’ve been there too!”

And you are gonna be okay—it hurts a lot to be here today

I really deeply understand, with kind eyes and a helping hand

Mean eyes hurt me as a child.  I extend forgiveness and eyes of mild

Heart stay soft and don’t get hard.  Rage just causes exhaustion-guard

Relax and trust that life is good.  That all is well and as it should

You are going to make it through.  Step by step you heal anew

Surprising gifts you never knew, will unfold right in front of you

And you will build a brand new home that you can count on as you roam

And tread carefully around the traps, and triggers that have you under wraps

But these are lessons to help you love …yourself and reach for help above

And see your great divinity so you can feel serenity

And these poems they are all for you, to read them when you’re feeling blue

Because angels helped to write them yes, so you can heal and share your success

That happened when you went within and wrote your feelings out with pen

And others have this gift inside, but they never knew to give it a try

Automatic writing yes, it’s wonderful to help distress

You show up and then get out of the way and let the angels have their say

(And it doesn’t have to rhyme …but Roxanne she does that all the time

For rhyming songs it is her gift, so poems come out for her in a jif)

And others too can write anytime, as they learn to trust the hope divine

And they’ll get answers when they ask …questions from their soul unmasked

Private writing not to share, but hopeful words for their own ware

that comes out as a great surprise—they become wiser before their eyes 

if they go back and read their words, their soul will see and get the urge 

to keep on writing words of hope and this will grow and help you cope

Your writing then becomes your friend, who will stick by you through thick and thin

And you’ll feel great each time you write, with intent to express your highest flight

Tap into love that’s being sent and allow yourself to circumvent

Any obstacle that comes in pain, deserves comfort and never shame

Shower words of love on you, As You Imagine Angels Do

They really do so it’s no lie—just ask for help and let out a cry

They respond with so much love but you must ask or they can’t budge

Because freewill keeps them at bay—with your intent invite them to stay

You will see changes in your days—little signs and easier ways

Raising to these high vibrations, you attract more elations

So you see I think you understand, writing will help you transcend

Pain can lead to deeper thought and joy is underneath a lot

Because the truth is we are love—here to help and rise above

You are loved and angels mend.  They wrote this poem with me.  The End.

Original Poem © 2019 Roxanne E. Smith

“Noone Was There”–Song Lyrics of Hope For Healing Childhood Abandonment Wounds.

Hi Everyone.  I’m excited to write a new post and share the lyrics to a new song I just wrote.  Life is full of change and growth for us highly sensitive souls, and new layers of childhood wounds seem to pop up when least expected. Abandonment wounds are some of the deepest and most painful. I woke up feeling terror for some reason and immediately got paper and pen to write out my feelings to sort it out.  As always, I just started describing how I felt and I gained clarity about where the feelings were coming from and compassion for myself, and then I felt a song coming on.

When I start to write a song I always tell myself, this is for me only, and then I let the creativity flow. Later I decide if I want to share it or not and that takes pressure off the process of writing a good song.  If it’s completely from the heart it’s always ends up “good” and this one flowed out from beginning to end with few changes.  The words came first and then the melody was already there in my head too when I went back to read it. Adding a bridge came easily to make it more interesting and poof! Done! A new song!

The creativity process is so healing that the original pain is somehow transformed into a feeling of pride and achievement. When I first started writing songs I felt shame about them because I was exposing forbidden feelings often straight from my inner wounded child.  If this shame happens to you, keep at it and share them only with a safe trusted friend who will help encourage you and not criticize.  It’s amazing how healing writing can be. I kept my songs hidden for a long time and now I’m proud to share all of them because they help others! I’ll be adding more songs to this blog now–I’ve written quite a few that I’m ready to share.

This song is dedicated for those of you who have not yet found your voice yet to describe  and heal unbearable emotions from childhood or trauma that often remain hidden until we are strong enough to release them.

I plan to start posting more posts again and I am going to be doing Coaching again on Wednesdays only too. My music and Coaching are going strong and for the first time I’ll be doing both.  I’ll be performing more of my original songs of hope and healing now and sharing the videos here as well. So please stay tuned for more! 😀

Noone Was There (Hope for Abandonment Wounds from Childhood)

By Roxanne Smith



Feeling so alone. Can’t describe the pain.

Falling in a hole.  Doom makes you insane.

Pain is not the truth. It’s just your darkest fear.

Noone was there to comfort you my dear.

Noone was there to comfort you my dear.


That is all it is.  This dark and empty thought.

Fill it up with love and give it all you’ve got.

You know that love exists and it is All There Is.

So why not be the one to show us it exists.

So why not be the one to show us it exists.


It exists in every heart, not just a chosen few.

Every single human has the chance to renew.

When you’re feeling all the worst, hopeless feelings inside,

Love yourself so much, so much more than you ever tried.

Love yourself so much, so much more than you ever tried.


You didn’t know how empty, how raw you could feel.

Writing is the way, to fill you up with love and heal.

And when you forget and you’re feeling really low.

Ask for help from the Angels who will guide you how to go.

Ask for help from the Angels who will guide you how to go.


They love you all the time, but you can’t tell they’re there.

Unless you ask for help, you don’t know how much they care.

Pain is not your truth, It’s just your darkest fear.

Noone was there to comfort you my dear.

Noone was there to comfort you my dear.



Comfort is there, when you’re feeling lost.

Let the Angels in, when you’re feeling tossed.

They are always there, when you feel alone.

Love yourself so much until you feel home.


Home is in your heart, it just gets covered up.

It feels so far away, but it’s always close enough.

All the comfort that you wish for, is already there.

Just let yourself believe Heaven really cares.

Just let your self believe Heaven really cares.

No one was there (slow to end) to comfort you my dear.

Original Song © 2018 Roxanne Smith

Sending comforting, caring wishes to all!

With love,
