Monthly Archives: October, 2019

High Expectations? New Tools For Sensitive Souls’ Healing Journeys.

Hello Everyone!  I haven’t written for a while because I’ve been so busy just observing this emotional roller coaster ride of the last couple months—it’s been hard to put into words!  It has propelled me into journaling more to get clarity and as always when I write I am able to access a higher perspective of “what the heck is going on now”! 😳🙏😆Haha! I’ve learned a few things and so I feel ready to share some of the positive things to give all of you sensitive souls on this spiritual journey a boost to feel better about EVERYTHING!

What a roller coaster ride!  By this I mean Ups and Downs and Curves and Surprises and Shocks! Can you relate? But at the end of a roller coaster ride at an amusement park, the end of the ride comes with a slowing down and a smooth safe feeling until it comes to a stop and you get off and everyone is all smiles and Gee that was fun.  Well, in general I mean haha, and only because you knew it was temporary—it was a ride you took by choice and it was a safe way to experience a thrill and know it would be over soon.  

Compare that to this incarnation of life on this planet. As sensitive souls, we are highly evolved divine beings here to help, but we have expectations of smooth sailing and love and abundance. I really think it is these expectations that contribute to us getting stuck in the lows on the roller coaster that we experience.  

All of this is coming up for me to talk about I believe because of this last full moon on October 13-yesterday!  If you are like me you may have noticed that you are very sensitive to cosmic changes to the planet and Full Moons and New Moons etc..  I am not very educated in astrology but I find myself searching for YouTube videos to explain what’s going on cosmically at certain times when I’m feeling out of balance and sure enough it is a full moon or a solar flare or something like this causing our distress and it all resonates and gives a sense of relief.  

I get some reassurance from the information I watch or read from elsewhere but often times I am searching and don’t find what I need to feel inner peace—then I am forced to write and then I realize as I connect to my higher self, my inner wisdom, my spirit team, my angels, the Universe, God, whatever you want to call “IT”.

I am then reminded that all my answers for my own inner peace can be found “within”.  I know this but why do I keep forgetting it?  Looking for outside validation has been ingrained in us as humans on this planet and we all feel this—trying to fit in and feel understood by other humans—wanting a tribe or even one other person who understands us and makes us feel reassured and comforted that we are OKAY and that what we are feeling is OKAY and that there is hope and that everything is going to be OKAY.

This neediness we feel is understandable—as highly sensitive, compassionate, evolved souls we are awakening spiritually but we are straddling 2 worlds. We are trying to make it in the 3D world and pay our bills etc. and also looking at the higher perspective of the 5D spiritual world for deeper meaning and understanding of why we are here, keeping our vibration high, and living in the moment to access the unconditional love that we have resonated with as Yes, This is it! All is well! We want that feeling everyday, all the time, every morning when we wake up.

But what I am understanding is, when we wake up in the morning with horrible dread and feeling bad about being here on the planet we need to observe this as information and not as our current truth.  As divine beings, we have often been astral traveling in our sleep. We love to be in the higher angelic realms where we are from evidently—it’s all Love and Light there all the time! 😇 😁 So when we come back into our bodies and wake up as a human on the planet, the densest negative energies, often from our childhoods or possibly past lives come up to the surface so that we can see that these energies are there and are just ready to be “released”. 

We are strong and powerful divine beings with love and light as our true nature but when we were born we didn’t know this so these wounded parts of ourselves are taking longer to heal then we “expected”. If you had a narcissistic parent then you were unloved and had unmet needs day in and day out for years and years and so you have many layers of of small hurts and false beliefs about yourself that need reparented and comforted one by one. That may be discouraging to hear that it is going to take longer to heal than you expected but here is the good news.  If you observe the big bad emotion you wake up with as just “information” about your past rather than your present truth you can transmute it in minutes!  

First, describe the feeling and label it!  What is this? Is it shame, dread, hopelessness, anxiety? Then you do the opposite of avoiding it, or believing it, or numbing it out by keeping busy—you go towards it and you write about it in your journal and you have compassion for yourself about it. 

Or if you are already versed in this healing process you go right to a positive affirmation to retrain the neurons in your brain to go a more positive route.  You recognize this bad feeling is your inner critic and not the truth.  It is your survival “false” self that absorbed the bad feelings from others around you not knowing they weren’t your feelings.  After all you were just a tiny child and had to believe what you were being “fed” to survive and to get along with your caretakers who didn’t SEE you for the gifted soul you were.

Most of you know this but if you are like me right now you are still surprised that you are still dealing with these long healed issues—especially in the last few months.  It is my understanding that the last remnants of these layers are possibly the most painful and most deeply ingrained and you are strong enough now to finally look at them, acknowledge that it was even worse than you thought.  So give yourself even more kindness, compassion and comforting reparenting than you ever have before. Extreme extreme self care (double extreme 😃) is in order whenever you wake up feeling bad!!  Be nicer to yourself instead of harder to yourself.  After all isn’t that what your narcissistic parent or bully said to you when they ran out of patience with you—they said “what’s wrong with you—why aren’t you over this yet—you should be feeling better by now—you are not doing as well as you thought”.  See? These things you say to yourself are judgements you are making just like bullies or abusers did which is the opposite of the unconditional love and comfort you deserved back then and deserve now.  

Sometimes it isn’t until we get out of our heads and start writing onto paper that we are even realizing we are beating ourselves up just like “they” did (if you had caretakers who maybe even did the best they could but were needy themselves so they didn’t have the patience that you needed as a highly sensitive soul who was sensitive for a very good reason.)

So now it is up to you. To KNOW you are pure love and light and when you wake up feeling bad you are to lovingly cleaning away the false residue, the past debris, that is covering up your beautiful brilliant lamp of love and light. You now have some more tools in your toolbox to lift yourself back up to where you belong.

Joy is your birthright and you are doing a great job figuring out how to shine what is rightfully yours every moment that you can. Be nicer to yourself when you feel bad not harder on yourself. You are training your brain to go positive quicker and quicker when you get better and better at replacing the doubts negative core beliefs with positive affirmations.  You can do it!  You are pure love and light.

Being a human is extremely complex!  Be patient with this healing journey that you are on!  You may be a sensitive soul who seeks safety and inner peace but you are also a tough warrior with new boundaries to take on this challenge of transmuting darkness into light on planet earth.  You chose to come here because you knew you could be successful at finding your true voice and true self and shining your true light.

Just being here on the planet you emanate this light and love energy and it uplifts others who need it. You are making a difference just by being here. So relax and be patient with yourself. It takes time and there is plenty of time for all the things you want to do. Self-compassion and self-care is always time well spent.  

Sensitive souls, I am so glad you are here on the planet with me. You make the planet a wonderful place to be. If we join forces we can move mountains. Thanks for reading and please reach out if you’d like one-on-one coaching.  My email is Sometimes just having someone to see us and listen to our feelings with understanding can be so healing.  I also offer distance Reiki and intuitive guidance during sessions as well—you design the sessions the way your heart desires. 

I’m adding a link to my latest YouTube Video here of a recent performance of my original song, We Are Here To Love. The lyrics to this song just flowed out of me from beginning to end with no changes—it was magical. I feel now is the perfect time to share these lyrics with you.

Lyrics: -We Are Here To Love-

Trudging through the past debris, finding sparks of light

Holding onto highest hopes, knowing love is right

Seeing through the doubters’ eyes, knowing those above

Want us to believe and know, time is made for love

Chorus: We are here to love, We can fly with wings of time

When we feel the past, We must rise above and shine

We must rise above and shine, We must rise above and shine


Reminded who we are by pushing past the ego’s call

Kindness to ourselves is all we need to break the wall

Pieces still fall down on us, don’t misunderstand

Keep the rays of light around and hold each other’s hand

Chorus: We are here to love…

Verse not included in this video performance:

(Power from the latest move unearth’s a tender spot

Confusing inner child takes stage, plays out what we forgot

Kindness is in order now soothing wounds so raw

New aliveness, strength abounds, braving what we saw

Chorus:.. We Are Here to…)

Bridge: Learning to be still and yet, adversity remains

But even when we think we’ve stalled, we’ve unraveled many chains

Working hard it seems we have not played to really live

But underneath we somehow gain renewed hearts to give

Chorus: We are here to love…

Have faith and know that even in the hardest grief of times

You are loved and cheered about, so take in all the signs

Relish in the life you have, grateful for the rest

All will see the loveliness, you are a force for goodness

Chorus: We are here to love… You must rise above and shine… shine… shine You must rise above and shine. (slow end)

Original Song Š Roxanne E. Smith


Until next time, With Love and Light,

Roxanne ✌️🙏💖✨   

About my Reiki Energy Healing Sessions–Distance Reiki is Available too!

Hi Everyone! “What’s this Reiki I keep hearing about?! Sounds very woo woo to me.” I understand if you feel this way. I used to feel that way too. Life has a way of getting us ready to open up to new concepts that can help us. You may have heard that everything is energy. It’s true! Sometimes we have energy blockages in our bodies so our natural self-healing abilities get “Stuck”. I happen to have a gift of being able to feel energy. Through training, experience, and this gift I am able to be a vessel through which healing energy flows through and into the body—this helps to get the client’s energy flowing again where there were blockages. The results from a 30 minute reiki session can vary from instant pain relief, to feeling deep relaxation and better sleep, to a more subtle feeling of a shift inside of feeling seen and cared for with physical ease showing up in the days ahead. The results vary per person and can even continue to show up for up to 2 weeks. I always tell clients to drink lots of water and be very kind to yourself in the days following each treatment. You don’t have to be spiritual or even believe in it for it to work—you’ll see results if you are just open to your own bodies ability to heal being accelerated by the Reiki session. At the minimum you’ll feel relaxed, rejuvenated, recharged, and reset while underneath it all your body’s energy is starting to flow in big healthy ways. 30 minute sessions are $65. Once a month sessions can get you to a continued flowing state which will lead you to better health, energy, and optimum vitality!

So just reach out if you are interested in a session. It might be just what your body/mind/ and soul is ready for!  Indianapolis location is:
Dragonfly 360 Yoga & Wellness phone# is 317-818-1800.

Distance Reiki sessions are available!!  My email is
My Reiki page:

Sending you healing light, 🙏💖✨

P.S. I apologize I did not get a post written for the entire month of September! What a roller coaster of a month!–my husband and I both had birthdays and I was preparing for a big Solo performance–my first performance in 11 months and my first Solo show in 2 years!  Here is the link to a video of one of the original songs from this latest show which was on Sept. 20, 2019 at Bier Brewery North in Carmel, Indiana: Click here=>

I’ll be sharing more videos of my original Folk Rock Songs For the Soul here on this blog occasionally. These songs are meant to uplift, encourage, support, empower, and comfort and HEAL your sensitive soul–just like my sessions, and all I strive to do!

I hope you had a good September. I’m riding the cosmic waves of ascension and spirit right along with you. 😇🙏💖✨  I’m excited to see what October brings and I’ll be in touch again soon!  Reach out if you’d like a session with me!  Email me at I’m also on my Facebook page alot these days too–I hope to see you there!

Sending you all so much Love and Light,
